buzz saw

英 美
  • n. 圆锯
  • buzz saw n.圆锯
  • buzz word 行话,术语
  • buzzard n.美洲或英国的秃鹰;贪婪的人;男人的随便称呼
  • buzzer n.蜂音器;翁翁作声的东西;信号手;门铃;汽笛
  • buzzer phone n:蜂鸣器
  1. a power saw that has a steel disk with cutting teeth on the periphery; rotates on a spindle

    用作名词 (n.)
    1. Circular saw for the octagonal-shaped tower, highshi san ceng , bottom-up on each floor for the law of diminishing.
    2. As you lift the saw, the spring-tensioned telescoping guard will automatically close under the blade.
